Monday, January 23, 2012

One Point Perspective

This drawing is done on white construction paper with soft leaded pencil. It is done in one point perspective and is modeled after my room.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Two Point Perspective

This painting is modeled after the unusual graffiti found on buildings. It is done in all tempera paint and the gray outlining was done in sharpie and gray tempera paint


Both of these Japanese inspired scrolls are done in water color. I really enjoyed using water color to paint things in nature so I chose to do both scrolls about something in nature. Both of them tell a story, on of the growth of a flower, the other the death of a tree through the seasons.


This project is inspired by ancient styles of painting with dots. The flowers in the piece above are all done in different size and color dots. The dots were made with the bottom of different sized paintbrushes and the whole painting is done in tempera paint.

Identical Image Designs

This project was done by creating a design on a piece of paper and tracing the design onto tracing paper with a soft lead pencil. The tracing paper was put onto the white construction paper shown above. By racing the backside of the design, the lead from the tracing paper design is transferred onto the paper. This process is repeated to create an identical copy and painted in with tempera paint.

Lady Gaga Portrait

This portrait of Lady Gaga is done on white construction paper. The portrait was drawn by dividing the paper and the source picture into identical grids and copying down what was seen in each grid square to create the final image. Gaga is drawn in a soft lead pencil.

Ribbon Drawing

This piece is done on white construction paper. The ribbons were sketched and shaded with a dark lead pencil and the background is done in both soft and hard lead pencil. The ribbons' shading are meant to depict the shadows and highlights created by the twisting of a ribbon under a light source.